
Chronic Wounds

A chronic wound is a wound that is physiologically impaired due to a disruption of the wound-healing cycle as a result of impaired angiogenesis, innervation or cellular migration. A chronic wound is one that fails to progress through a normal, orderly ...

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What is a Chronic Wound?

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A chronic wound is a wound that is physiologically impaired due to a disruption of the wound-healing cycle as a result of impaired angiogenesis, innervation or cellular migration.

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[box type=”info”] A chronic wound is one that fails to progress through a normal, orderly and timely sequence of repair or in which the repair process fails to restore anatomic and functional integrity after 3 months.[/box]

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How can a chronic wound be identified?

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As earlier stated in the definition above, chronic wounds can be principally determined based on the duration of the wound. This duration could be 1-2 months. That is to say, any wound that has failed to progress through the phases of healing in an orderly and timely fashion has shown no significant progress toward healing in 30 days.

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Classification of chronic wound

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  1. Pressure Ulcers
  2. Diabetic foot ulcers
  3. Venous ulcers
  4. Arterial insufficiency ulcers

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What are the common causes of chronic wounds?

This kind of wound could be generated or caused by diverse factors but just a few could be noted here:

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  • Obesity
  • Immuno-suppression
  • Bacterial and sometimes chronic infections
  • Metabolic diseases like diabetes

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  • Venous insufficiency
  • Age, that is aged people are most likely to have such wounds due to a reduction in protein synthesis.
  • Poor management of a clean wound

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How then are these wounds taken care of?

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At Hadassah Medical Centre our standards are that, as soon as a wound is identified as being chronic, the primordial thing to be done is to identify the cause which might be any of those cited above (see common causes of chronic wounds).

  • After the cause has been identified, it is important to describe the type of wound whether it be contaminated, infected, clean or dirty.
  • Subsequently, after the cross-section examinations have been thoroughly done, then the treatment protocol can then be established

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How long can the treatment of chronic wounds take?

If the treatment protocol is strictly respected and there is a good collaboration between the health personnel and the patient, then a chronic wound could take 3-6 months to fully heal.

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Challenges faced during the treatment of chronic wounds

The major challenge faced during this process of wound treatment is limited finances. That is, the treatment might require that the patient be hospitalized for proper follow-up. This often ends up being too costly for the patient to meet up with. Often the hygienic conditions of the patient don’t favour the wound healing.  Compliance with the treatment is also a problem faced by health personnel who do wound treatment.

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What can a patient expect when he/she visits Hadassah Medical Centre Wound care department?

Fortunately, there is hope for people who suffer from chronic wounds at Hadassah Medical Centre. Our well-trained personnel, an established protocol, imported materials for dressing and most especially a combination of wound care and surgical care.

So Hadassah Medical Centre is the choicest place if you are looking for a referenced centre for your wound care.

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Contact us now at ☎️ (+237 682 21 51 95 / 693 81 45 50 )


Missionnaire de Christ
Missionnaire de Christ
Articles: 19

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